Elevate Your Mind and Unleash Your Potential with ACCESS BARS®: Discover a Path to Greater Possibilities

Welcome to ACCESS BARS®, a transformative technique that opens doors to new perspectives, reduces stress, and fosters personal growth. If you’re seeking a way to clear your mind, release limitations, and experience a profound sense of well-being, you’re about to embark on a remarkable journey.


ACCESS BARS® is a gentle and hands-on modality that involves lightly touching 32 points on the head, each corresponding to different aspects of your life. Developed by Gary Douglas, this technique facilitates the release of stored thoughts, ideas, emotions, and beliefs that may be holding you back from living your best life.

What people say ACCESS BARS® has created for them

A more peaceful mind | Increased relaxation | Improved outlook on life | Stress relief | A space to replenish your body | Increased energy and creativity

What is it like to receive an ACCESS BARS® session?

ACCESS BARS® can feel like hitting the delete button on your computer’s cluttered hard drive – only this time, you’re creating space in your brain. Things like negative thought patterns, or that endless mental chatter keeping you awake at night, can be released and make space for the calm you’ve been seeking.


My mission is to bring more consciousness into the world by helping people break free from their past and start creating a life full of new possibilities, by offering ACCESS BARS® services designed to help you tap into your full potential:
  1. ACCESS BARS® Sessions: Experience the relaxation and release that comes from an ACCESS BARS® session. Through gentle touch, we’ll activate points on your head to promote mental clarity, emotional balance, and deep relaxation.
  2. Personal Growth and Transformation: ACCESS BARS® can be a powerful tool for personal growth. As you release old patterns and beliefs, you’ll find yourself more open to new possibilities and experiences.
  3. Stress Reduction and Relaxation: If you’re feeling overwhelmed by stress, an ACCESS BARS® session can help. Many clients report a sense of calm and tranquility after a session.
  4. Enhanced Creativity and Intuition: ACCESS BARS® can unlock your creative potential and heighten your intuition. As you clear mental clutter, you’ll find it easier to tap into your inner wisdom.

Why Choose ACCESS BARS®:

  • Deep Relaxation: Many clients find ACCESS BARS® sessions deeply relaxing, often likening the experience to a rejuvenating meditation.
  • Stress Reduction: The gentle touch and energy flow of ACCESS BARS® can alleviate stress and tension, leaving you feeling lighter and more at ease.
  • Clearing Limiting Beliefs: ACCESS BARS® helps release limiting beliefs and thought patterns that may be holding you back from achieving your goals.
  • Personal Empowerment: As you release old thought patterns, you’ll find yourself more open to new experiences and opportunities.

Begin Your Journey:

Are you ready to let go of what no longer serves you and embrace a life of clarity, relaxation, and personal growth? Explore our website to learn more about ACCESS BARS®, read testimonials from those who have experienced its benefits, and take the first step towards unlocking your mind’s potential.

Please note that while ACCESS BARS® can be a powerful tool for personal transformation, it is not a substitute for professional medical or mental health care when needed.